Van Diemen Formula Ford Registry
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Welcome! To a registry of Van Diemen Formula Ford.

Background of Van Diemen Formula Fords

Founded by former Lotus mechanic Ralph Firman in 1973, Van Diemen has been the world's largest volume manufacturer of racing cars for more than a decade. Revered for its integrity and engineering excellence in more than 24 countries, Van Diemen's wholehearted commitment to its worldwide customer-base has resulted in hundreds of wins and no less than 22 major championship victories last year.
The first racing cars to roll out of Van Diemen's original workshops almost 30 years ago were 12 Formula Ford single seaters - and it is the Formula Ford car which has remained the centerpiece of Van Diemen's production line since that time.

You will find on page two a list of Van Diemen Formula Ford owners; 

On page three there is a list of parts/services suppliers;  and

Listed below are FF info web pages that was collected over the years. You will find Excellent information on sites such as:


Formula Ford (Wikipedia);;

Formula 1600 Toyo Tires (Ontario);


Canada Racing Classified

VanDiemen (Facebook Group) 

The kent Engine lives;

USF1600 Formula F Championship;

EFormula Ford Series

Le Cercle des amis de la Formule Ford  (Facebook Group);

Formula ;

Formula Ford Historic (Facebook Group)) ;











Picture above of Don Denomme & his VD80 at the 40th anniversary of Formula Ford in North America...  Car now owned by David Belfiore (USA)




Racing Information:.
The best source of information (technical or set-up tips, car or parts for sale or wanted) you must visit
It is an excellent replacement with almost all the same actors as the old Jake Lamont's underground page...



Director of RFR, Ralph Firman, was the founder and driving force behind Van Diemen Racing's success as the global leader of volume race car manufacturing for 3 decades (consider 30 years vs 3 decades, the higher numer "sounds" more impressive) until its sale in 1999. Ralph set up RFR early in 2008 to cater to the club racing enthusiast and the same volume car market which he dominated throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s.


Visitors since 28 Apr 02